Monday, November 11, 2013

Veterans' Day, 2013

Today is Veterans' Day, 2013, and I couldn't go without mentioning it.

I don't have any flashy tricks or inspiring images to post this time around, but let me just do my part and say thank you to all those veterans still among us, all those brave and strong men and women, who have risked life and limb (and maybe sacrificed the latter) in defense of our country.  I wish I had even half the strength and fiber you fine folks do, for you may be made of much sterner stuff than me.  Count me among those who are grateful and appreciative.

...Besides, whenever I see or meet someone who has served our country in the military, I always be sure to thank them, regardless of whatever day on the calendar it is.  (Maybe, in that sense, every day should be Veteran's Day?)

Anyway, Happy Veterans' Day!


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