Monday, September 29, 2014

"Breaking Bad" Finale 1-Year Anniversary

Well, I wanted to mark the occasion somehow, and I suppose this counts.  I was hoping to have my new and improved "Breaking Assad" parody image ready to go by now, but oh well, such is life.  I'm sure it can wait a few more days or so.  Anyway, here's to Breaking Bad, truly a one-of-a-kind television series.  Cheers!  (Or, as one certain character frequently says, "Yeah, bitch!")

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Day I Paid Off My College Loans

(OR: "The Day I Bought My Freedom Back")

I meant to post this yesterday (September 15, 2014), but whatever.

September 15, 2014: Finally paid off my college loans.  I'm not sure what the terms of the agreement were... 10 years to pay it all back? 15 years?  Maybe even 20 years?  But I finally did it.

It helps when you pay it off at warp speed.  To pass along a trick which I first heard from someplace else: Try paying down loads every week instead of bi-weekly, because that reduces it and the compound interest even further.

So, I finally paid off college... but getting a worthy job consummate of all the time, energy and money which was spent on getting that college degree?  Still working on that.

I'll update this blog shortly...
