Monday, September 28, 2015

A haiku for the blood moon

Well, the blood moon came and went, and we won't see another like it for another 30 years or so, and it was a wonderful event, to be sure.  But since I'm also on a roll with the haiku at the moment, it occurred to me to write something for the occasion...

Blood moon in night sky-
Wait another thirty years,
Always great to see.

As always, feedback is welcome.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Another haiku, this time for MIRACLE OF SOUND!

As I've mentioned elsewhere before, I'm a big fan of the music project Miracle of Sound, which simply cannot exist without the great and unbelievably talented Gavin Dunne.

And since I'm already on a roll with the haiku stuff, I quickly composed this one in my mind and put it down into writing...

Miracle of Sound,
I just can't stop listening;
Gavin Dunne, rock on!

This one's for you, Gav!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

My first English haiku in a long time ("I too like haiku...")

Believe it or not, folks, I am also something of a poet, even if I've been doing my own personal poetry on and off for, well, my entire life thus far...

And here's my first English haiku in a long time!

I too like haiku,
brief Japanese poetry,
works well in English.
